Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer Blonde Clairol TV Commercial

After exploring more about the history behind blonde empowerment and women's desire to be blonde I found this hair dye ad from the 1960s. During this time, hair dye sales rose from $25 million to $200 million, with most women dying their hair lighter. I enjoyed this commercial because it associates being blonde with summer, or having fun. This is a common perception, that blondes have more fun so the marketeres are exploiting this stereotype. The music is very upbeat and it makes viewers want to be just like the blonde woman who is laying on the beach. I find it funny how she is laying in some shots because even though she's just having fun on the beach she's laying in a very suggestive position. This subliminally reinforces the sexual blonde stereotype without expressly objectifying the model which advertisers do in commericals today. Also, she is with two men who lift her up over their heads which suggests that as a blonde, you will easily win the hearts of men because you will be more physically appealing to them. Overall, this ad is letting women know that if they want to have fun all year long and look as fresh and beautiful as they do in summer they can do so in a few easy steps by dying their hair blonde. This message is still used in hair dye advertisements today although modern commercials are not as upbeat or entertaining.

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